Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hey guys,
 long time no see!!!!!!! Hope you missed me !

Today's recipe is a bit long but don't judge it by it's size.

                                            Fromage Frais mousse with strawberry sauce

  • 1 egg white 
  • 50 grams icing sugar
  • 1 lemon zested and juiced
  • 500g strawberry
Fromage Frais
  • 350g cheese, ricotta would be prefered
  • 150g sour cream

  • Mix the riccota cheese and the sour creamto prepare fromage frais.After you do that leave it aside.
  • Fill a bowl with the egg white and icing sugar,hold that bowl over a pan of simmering water and mix it with an electrical whisk. Whisk it for 5 minutes until the mixture is light and fluffy. It must be thick enough so that after the blades are removed the mixture still holds peaks.Add the lemon zest to it after removing it from the simmering water and whisk it for two minutes, let it cool down
  • Wrap this mixture in the fromage frais mixture then transfer them into 6 glasses or 6 small bowls and keep it in the fridge to chill.Roughly chop the strawberries into half . Puree the strawberries along with 2 tbsp icing sugar and lemon juice. You can put it through a sieve to remove the seeds. 
  • The chopped strawberries over the mousse, then spoon a little puree over each and keep it in the fridge to chilluntil it is ready to serve.
utterly delicious

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